For the convenience of our clients, we offer natural and neutralized peat in 250 l bags, there is also an opportunity to purchase peat in big bails.

Natural peat
Neutralized peat


Growing media is made of raised bog type, medium-decomposed peat (H3-H6). The product contains naturally occurring nutrients of organic origin.


Natural peat is used to increase the porosity of clay loam, to improve low-humus sandy soils, using mixtures as growing media with garden soil and compost. Suitable for improving the structure of greenhouses and garden soils. A bulk density – 240 kg/m3


Growing media is made of raised bog type, medium-decomposed peat (H3-H6). The product contains limestone and wetting agent.


The product is used for production of substrates with the addition of NPK fertilizers and microelements. This peat is used to increase the porosity of clay loam, to improve low-humus sandy soils, using mixtures as growing media with garden soil and compost. Suitable for improving the structure of greenhouses and garden soils. A bulk density – 260 kg/m3